6 Beneficial Ways to Purge our Body

6 Beneficial Ways to Purge our Body

Sitting 8 hours at office in front of computers, Lying on bed while eating, grabbing a packet of chips and cold drink when mom’s not home and asking mom to make noodles and pastas for lunch, these are just a few daily routines of us. While we may not realize, but these habits of ours is killing our body silently. A lot of junk food and no workout paves way to a lot of diseases. Hence it is important that we switch to some healthy food and indulge in some workout for the welfare of our body.

Here are some basic tips which are really simple and prove very beneficial to purge our body :-

  1. Consume a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is what is the most prevalent reason today for weight gain and diseases? We find junk food like pizzas and soft drinks more favorable than to grabbing an apple. Exercises and yoga won’t do any good if you don’t keep a check on what you are eating. So it is very important to cut down your intake on fast foods that are full of oils and harmful fats and deviate yourself towards green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, lettuce and kale, dals and pulses that are rich in proteins and fruits like apples, bananas and oranges. Also make a habit of consuming some almonds, cashews and a glass of fresh fruit juice in your daily routine. You may also replace intake of water with that of lemon water.

  1. Make a “Healthy fast food”

Yes! If you love pizzas and burgers but can’t eat them because you want to lose weight then you can switch to eating a healthy pizza or burger. Add veggie toppings like carrots, cabbage, green onion, basil leaves, strawberries and berries, some low fat cheese and some lemon juice. This may not totally fulfill your crave, But it is definitely a more healthier option. You may also prepare pastas and noodles in the same way by adding a lot of veggies and fruit juices.

  1. Drink a lot of water

Drinking a lot of water not only keeps you hydrated, it also helps in flushing out toxins and harmful substances out of the body. So try to drink as much water as you can during the day.

  1. Manage your time

It’s true that we don’t find enough time out of our busy schedule for exercising. If this is the case with you than you may try to add up a few ‘short workouts’ like a 15 minute early morning walk or jogging, a 10 minute arm and waist exercise schedule at your office, a 15 minutes skipping routine at your terrace and some crunches whenever you find time.

  1. Buy a comfortable pair of sneakers

Yes! you may think how can fitness be related to pair of sports shoes? But a comfy pair of shoes really makes you motivated and comfortable. Always try to buy shoes that are roomy so that your feet don’t feel trapped. But make sure they are not too much big than your feet. A comfortable pair of shoes will help you in your daily exercising and jogging whereas an uncomfortable pair would prove a hindrance to your exercising routine.

  1. Find a ‘partner’

Exercising alone may make you feel bored and tired. Talking to a friend while cycling, gossiping while a walk, sharing your healthy snack while lunch may increase your motivation and interest towards fitness and exercise. So try to find a partner that makes you feel motivated and energized.


Yes, you may feel difficult at first to come out of your relax schedule to workout schedule, but a little patience and inner motivation will surely help you achieve a healthy and fit body.

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