Do Away With The Scars.

Do Away With The Scars.

The wounds make us writhe in pain but they go away in a few days of tending, it is scars that stay long and become a reason of worry. Scars are a very normal thing to happen which go away eventually as and when the body fades it, but there are certain areas which are more prone to getting scared. When scars tend to happen more frequently, become a reason to piss.


Collagen is the victor here. As when a wound happens in our body, collagen are produced in large amounts to fix them.

Let us find out what you can do to accelerate the healing, although, you need to be a lot patient.


Firstly tend the wound well, unless you take a proper treatment things would not work your way. If the wound needs stitches, get them done as soon as possible. A little time here and there will make bacteria stick to the wound, the situation would be worse.


Hydrogen peroxide can be applied to the wound to help healing, but excessive use will further deteriorate the process doing no good. Better do it by your doctor’s recommendation.


Vitamin E is also another recommendation for scars but it should be applied only once the wound has healed. Research proves that rubbing Vitamin E oil on the wound slows down the healing, whereas using it on the scar helps.


Coconut oil is dirt cheap, easy to get, has millions of advantages. India is abundant of coconuts, make some use of them. Apply coconut oil on the wound on the scar, it will lighten it and make your skin shine.


While your wound is still present you can prevent the scar from happening (like not exactly happening, but you can lighten its wrath). Keep the scar moist by applying petroleum jelly or sunscreens. Always keep the wound clean.


Avoid moving. Tension is another cause for a scar to happen. Avoid moving while you are wounded, this will prevent the scar from spreading further from the affected area.


To prevent those ugly popping out scars, apply some pressure over it. it may be a bandage or pressure through hand as much as you can bear. It would be better if you keep the wound covered for at least a week.


Silicon jells. Coat some silicon jell on the scar for a few days. This is fine remedy suggested by dermatologists that help fading them away.


There are other ways to hide them like bleaching and using a concealer, but they are short term benefits. A scar is best healed naturally, as I said, be patient and let the body metabolism work.

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