Flaunt Naturally

Flaunt Naturally

Everyone is born with a different skin tone. When you're a child, it tends to be smooth and even. However, as we get older, and acne and aging occur, skin tone can become uneven and discolored. There are a hell a lot of skin toning products out there, but there are less harsh, natural methods that can help even your skin tone as well.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are a fruit that are acidic, so applying lemon juice to your skin can help maintain the proper pH, which The Beauty Brains say is important for keeping skin tone even. The citric acid in lemons is a natural way to lighten and even out your skin tone by applying the juice to your skin regularly and then washing it off after letting it sit for a while. One important thing to remember when using lemon juice is that if you have any cuts or scratches, it will cause them to burn, and going out into the sun with lemon juice on your skin can ruin the tone, so make sure you wash it all off.


Oatmeal can be a natural way to even skin tone because it can act as an exfoliating agent, which breaks up the dirt and bumps on your skin for a more even surface and tone. Before applying oatmeal to your face, mix it together with a bit of honey so that it is more of a paste. You should leave it on your skin for a few minutes before rubbing it with your fingers. Make sure to wash all the paste off and apply sunscreen.



Honey can be used to even skin tone because it works as a moisturizer and has antibacterial properties that can reduce the size of acne scars and blemishes. ‘Ubeautyportal’ suggests using ‘Manuka’ honey because it has even more antibacterial properties than honey made from other kinds of bees. The moisture that the honey puts into your skin keeps it from getting too dry, which can damage your skin and affect the tone negatively.


Milk is a great way to naturally soften and lighten your skin for a more even tone. It works on melanin to lighten the skin, diminishing the appearance of darker blemishes and scars. It also softens the skin, which is great for people with dry or flaky skin.

Hope you found our simple and natural ways to get a glowing skin useful. For more interesting stuffs, log on to http://www.themakeoverz.com/

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