Premature Hair Loss

Premature Hair Loss

You are in your twenties, when you think you are going to make world revolve on your finger. You want to look your best as everybody else does, you want the most amazing pictures to post on whatsapp and facebook and flaunt among your female friends to get some hype. But if, you realise that.... you are losing hair. Not just losing but losing to the extent that your scalp is visible. You console yourself that this is just occasional and the occasion is going to soon end like it must be the change of weather that is making you lose hair. BUT NO, it is not that. You keep losing it.

And that’s called premature hair loss & crashing your dreams too.


So why does it happen?

You need to find out the one that is yours; I will just list them all. The first is genetic, see if your parents are having similar problems. If you can’t relate your hair loss problem to them then, look into your family tree, trace out if the problem is common with many. If hair loss has been a problem always then, bingo, that’s the reason.

You are leading a stressful life. Yes, everybody lives such lives, but then maybe they are able to manage it better than you. So that’s where the problem lies.

Or you don’t eat well. Poor nutrition can be another reason. Look for flaws in your diet.

Sometimes, side effects of a few medicines, taking a lot of steroids also can lead to hair loss.


Do away with it:

Finding out the reason would not turn the tables for you. Even if you don’t know the reason but know the remedies would do.

Eat well: Work work and work, no food. That’s a bad idea, you work to eat. So eat well. Enrich your diet with proteins and vitamins B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B9 and vitamin E. Zinc, iron and magnesium are essential for optimal health of your hair. Milk, almonds, spinach, broccoli, oranges, whole grains, spinach, fish, soya beans, egg yolk, leafy greens are all hair-happy foods, which boost hair growth.

Sleep well: take 7-8 hours of sleep to reduce stress. Sleeping will keep you in good health and also replenish hair growth.

Drink Water: Drink a glass of water every hour to replenish hair growth. Keep yourself hydrated always. Water brings a lot of glow in your skin as well as face.


Onion, garlic, ginger: Either of the three replenishes hair growth. Apply onion, garlic or ginger juice solely, without mixing them. You will certainly notice changes.

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