Dark Skin Causes & Remedies

Dark Skin Causes & Remedies

Fairness or darkness of skin basically depends on skin pigment Melanin. Melanin determines the tone and color of skin. Excessive melanin in the skin turns out one is more sparkling and more dusky skin has less melanin. (Hypo-pigmented Skin) Skin that have less quantity of melanin is turn to be Hypo-pigmented Skin.

Dark skins are Hypo-pigmented skin as it contains less Melanin because of which color of skin turn out to be dark and there is no glow on skin.

However, nowadays black complexion also due to sun light in polluted atmosphere, called suntan. Having dark skin be more glowing one is not sign of a disease.

Dark skin people need more care. Not only with external care but it is important to nourish your body in other ways. Dark skin is not just because of the lack of melanin. Cigarettes and alcohol also affect skin color.


Causes of Dark Skin

  • Injury
  • Mole
  • Malignant melanoma
  • Massa
  • Hypo pigmentation
  • Sunburn or suntan
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Endocrine gland disorders
  • Addison's disease
  • Liver disease
  • Intestinal disorder
  • Malnutrition
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Post-Surgery
  • Brown face go after delivery

Home Remedies for Dark Skin

  • Use sunscreen half an hour ago before going out.
  • Lemon purifies skin tint. It also reduces dark spots. It also removes the skin spots.
  • Lemon and honey mixed with milk, it is quite effective. Applying its combination on skin, brings glow of skin. Honey and cucumber juice can also be used with curd.
  • Applying sandalwood on skin is cool. The skin Infections, discolor skin, dark spots and other problems is also removed by this.
  • Make a paste of gram flour and turmeric mixed with water. Apply it on face and wash with water after drying.
  • Make a paste of ripe papaya. Massages the face and wash after 10 minutes. Faces will start to glow.
  • Grind white part of coconut. Apply it on dusky skin from the sun or on the face and keep for twenty minutes and then wash it off with plain water.
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