Dehydration Management

Dehydration Management

What is dehydration? 

Dehydration can be called as a condition when a person loses body fluids, mainly water is more amount than what is taken in. Thus water is moving out of the cells of our body which may be harmful for proper functioning. Everyday we lose water in the form of excreted sweat, urine, stool and water vapour exhaled out.

Causes of dehydration

Some conditions accelerate dehydration of the body like fever, exposure to sun and heat, too much workout, consuming less water, vomiting, diarrhoea and diabetes.

Symptoms of Dehydration

Many people do not realize that their bodies have become dehydrated. Thus it is important that a person identifies the symptoms of dehydration. The symptoms include weakness, dizziness, fainting, decreased quantity of urine, palpitations, feeling of heart jumping, dry mouth and increased thirst.

Who can have Dehydration?

While anyone of us can experience dehydration-it usually happens in babies, elderly, athletes and people suffering from illness and diseases. Babies have very less body weight. Even a small amount of fluid loss in form of vomiting or diarrhoea can affect their health. Elderly people care less about their body and may not realize the symptoms at an early stage. Athletes lose a large amount of sweat and are most prone to dehydration. Also people suffering from diabetes and alcoholism are at a higher risk to become dehydrated.

Prevention of Dehydration

Dehydration is very harmful for the body and we should take effective measures to prevent it especially during hot summer days. One should make a habit of sipping small amounts of water at regular intervals. Drinking electrolytes, popsicles of fruits and flavoured drinks is also a good option. One should not exercise too much as it puts pressure on overall functioning of body. One should also avoid using room heaters for long as it absorbs water vapour of the surrounding. One should avoid going out in hot sunny weather without safety equipments like umbrella and scarfs.

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