

Although yoga is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual practices, in the modern world it is just a new platform of physical workout to get rid of the ever growing bunch of diseases in the body. Dating back to pre Vedic period yoga was the basic of all the spiritual activities. Its values and benefits are engraved in our epics Vedas and Upnishads.

For today’s world yoga is what a few YOG Guru’s teach. Combination of exercises with regulated breathing. Yoga has shown tremendous effects like in weight loss, thyroid control, asthma treatment, joints pain etc.

For weight loss, yoga is a better workout than going to a gym. No amount of lifting weights is going to make biceps strong than holding up your own body weight. Yoga raises your heartbeat, lengthens your muscles altogether. And of course, the money factor, it saves money also. You don’t need to pay as much as you would pay all your life going to a gym.

The most effective yoga asanas for weight loss Setu Bandh asana, it gives a good massage to your thighs and lower back. Chakki Chalan. This gives a good massage & stretch to your stomach, hands & legs. Others asanas like Bhujangasana, Padahastasana, Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Tadasana, Warrior Pose, Uttitha Hasta Padangustana etc work wonders in weight loss.

Not only weight but yoga gives you an all around fitness. You are truly healthy when you are just physically but mentally and emotionally balanced as well.

Yoga gives us tremendous inner peace. It is one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind. The asanas massage our organs and reinforce muscles and tissues. Breathing techniques and meditation release stress and improve immunity.

It gives you better flexibility & body postureRoutine yourself with yoga asanas daily to get benefits of a strong, subtle and flexible body. It also helps improve your body posture when you stand, sit, sleep or walk.

It improves your intuitive ability so much that can easily decide what needs to be done, when and how, to produce positive results.

Having a rough day at office, all your energy has been drained out multitasking all day. Practice a few minutes of yoga everyday to feel rejuvenated agile even after a hectic day. A few minutes of meditation benefits you entirely.

Our mind is swinging from the past to the future. Being aware of this tendency of the mind, we can get rid of stress relax the mind. Yoga and pranayama create understanding & bring the mind back to the present.

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